Common Health Risks of Mold Damage
Mold is a known allergen and is linked to causing various allergic symptoms for those sensitive to mold spores. Some types of mold varieties have been known to cause more severe reactions and put long-term health at risk. Regardless of type, we consider all types of mold to be hazardous.
Due to the health risks correlated with mold in your home, it is best to have a specialized mold remediation company remove it as soon as possible. Different types of mold will potentially cause different reactions. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), all present molds may cause the following health issues:
• Headaches
• Breathing difficulties
• Asthma attacks
• Persistent cough or cold symptoms
• Irritation and itchiness of the eyes, nose, throat or lungs
• Hypersensitivity pneumonitis
• Skin irritation
• Allergic reactions
• Opportunistic infections to immune-compromised humans